Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Eat Pray Love

I just finished Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I don't think I knew what it was about when I picked it - I don't think I would have intentionally chose 2 mid-life crisis stories back-to-back like that. The layout is a little strange at first, but once I got used to it, it was fine. I ended up really enjoying the storytelling. Liz did a good job describing her yearlong soul searching quest, down to the food, atmosphere, people. Since it was mentioned in her book that the divorce was long a drawn out and how she would have to pay some of her book royalties to her now ex-husband. I decided to do some investigating on what other books she'd written. I hadn't really heard of any of them, they didn't look like my type for now. But I did find her current website interesting and turns out she did marry again. Again, and this book was true, not many people get that lucky.
Verdict: Loved it.

1 comment:

  1. Now I have two books to read!! I am trying to read The Shack. A good friend of mine recommended it. It's good so far--check it out if you haven't already.



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