Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 in Review

How did the resolutions go?  I won some and lost some I think.

1. Go fishing - I fished a bit in my own state (probably not enough to cover the cost of the trout stamp but hey) and I caught a king salmon in Alaska...that should count for something.
2. Teach Emma to finger knit - I think we have finger knitting down now.  Emma can make a 3 inch wide scarf for days and days.  We briefly attempted crocheting, I think that might be the ticket to moving on to something a little bit more challenging, something like hot pads perhaps.

3. Keep on Running - Running came to a screeching halt at the end of September, but I had some pretty great races before that and set a new PR for both the 5K and the half marathon.  And I logged nearly 500 miles this year.  I still have a lot of physical therapy to go before I'll be able to run again, but it's still on my list of things to do.  With the amount of cartilage damage I did to my knee I will have to aim for quality runs over quantity of miles.
4. Learn how to whistle - Getting better at the whistle I do have, except not any louder...not sure what needs to change for that.
5. Take more field trips: Two specifically are on the list: Hidden Caves and Berlin Ichthyosaur Park. Hidden caves...not done.  But hiking is on the approved list of activities post surgery so that will definitely get checked off next year.  Berlin happened.  We had a good time, my brother and older sister even came out for the weekend.  It was nice having them at the museum.  I would not have noticed all of my family's signatures on the opening day plaque or the pictures of my grandmother on the museum walls had they not been there.

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